Our Educational Philosophy

We aim to make OYNA Outdoor Preschool a place for every child. With focus on outdoor, child-led play and an emergent curriculum we support a love of learning, understanding of self, and connection to surroundings and others. OYNA provides a safe, supportive environment for kids to freely explore and inquire. Guided by responsive, nurturing teachers, children enter rich play and learning opportunities.

Play First

Play is how children learn and free play allows them to work at the edge of their interests and abilities. Here, children encounter a wide range of opportunities and challenges with the motivation to problem solve and persist in their inquiries. Play also helps develop imagination, physical/mental dexterity, and emotional strength, as well as settting a strong foundation for language, literacy, science, math and creativity. We believe in providing a safe and nurturing space for children’s play because it is the place where they make meaning of themselves and the world around them. Play is how children practice the most essential abilities they need to develop to live satisfying, meaningful lives.


Being outside brings us into connection with the natural world and its rhythms. Outdoor play provides a unique array of play invitations and a full range of stimulus throughout the seasons. Our priority is to be outdoors as much as possible, giving kids the opportunity to experience the elements and play WITH nature not just IN nature. We believe this connection is not only good for our physiological and mental well-being, it is essential in fostering a love for and relationship with our natural environment.

Emergent Curriculum

Emergent curriculum is a process in which teachers plan activities and projects based on the skills, needs, and interests of the children they are working with. By honoring each child for who they are, as well as recognizing the unique community we create together, we establish a flexible, relationship-driven learning environment. We welcome interests and questions as they arise. It is our work to make meaning of these inquiries together. With outdoor emergent curriculum, our days are shaped by the individuals who are present as well as the living world and changing seasons that surround us. We believe that everyone and everything has something to teach just as everyone has something to learn. 


Our approach to ensuring kids access positive experiences at OYNA Outdoor Preschool and Backyard Camp is inspired by concepts of Universal Design for Learning, Special Education due process laws in MN, the IDEA and the ADA, the Reggio approach to “special rights,” and the Disability Justice Movement of the past and present.

For more details, or for an ear about anything disability, behavior, accommodations, childhood or adulthood, contact Sami, Accessibility Specialist: sami@oynatoday.com or talk to any staff member at one of our open houses/family play days.

Parent and Family Involvement

We provide many opportunities for Parents/guardians of students at OOP to take an active role in the preschool community. Monthly morning coffee breaks, parent support workshops, and family play days throughout the year are some of the ways we connect and create a community that is responsive to student needs. We believe in community connection and establishing parent support networks for years to come.